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English Request to ban Erik

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Should Erik be banned?

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56 votes cast

old Dear Anti Eriks

User Off Offline

I found a new kind of a image thet maybe (or not)hurt Erik963's feelings.Use it wisely.

How Erik remember all his fake accounts password?


old Re: Request to ban Erik

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user Majatek has written
Lololol, well, it's been long enough for me guys I gotta go to bed, I'm tired as all hell, heh.

Bookmarked this topic, and I shall check out the aftermath tomorrow.

Ya'll guys have fun! Good luck in removing Erik from!
With love!

Good night!

old Re: Request to ban Erik

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user benny1608 has written
Bye RamboFox

Yup, sucks that I live down here in Australia. It's almost one in the morning lol~

Anyhoo yeah, checked out your game, DannyDeth. It was pretty epic.
And with that, I bid you all a good night! n__n
edited 1×, last 09.09.11 04:55:22 pm

old Re: Request to ban Erik

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user Erik963 has written
This topic is made by an idiot.

You're an idiot.

user Erik963 has written
This is only one and stupid community with trolls arround.

user Erik963 has written
i just forget the fact that this forum is full of trolls and idiots

And just so you fine ladies and gentlemen of UnrealSoftware know, this is coming from a guy who enjoys posting me on 4chan.

user Erik963 has written
You ban me and ? What will happen ? Will it make you feel better ?

My e-penis will only grow harder.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

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user Majatek has written
user benny1608 has written
Bye RamboFox

Yup, sucks that I live down here in Australia. It's almost one in the morning lol~

Anyhoo yeah, checked out your game, DannyDeth. It was pretty epic.

I couldn't unrar it.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

Reviewer Off Offline

user palomino has written
user Majatek has written
user benny1608 has written
Bye RamboFox

Yup, sucks that I live down here in Australia. It's almost one in the morning lol~

Anyhoo yeah, checked out your game, DannyDeth. It was pretty epic.

I couldn't unrar it.

Me neither.

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

I use 7-zip.

That's why I was able to extract it (at first I tried it with Winrar but it kept on coming up with the "No files to extract" bug)

Try downloading 7-zip and use that instead
But yeah now I REALLY need to go to bed lol. Night guys!

old Re: Request to ban Erik

A Mad Bro
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Erik, gtfo.
why dont you just leave us alone? i mean, you said u got 20 other communities so why do you stay here?

Oh, and i got one too:

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

Actually, screw going to bed for the moment, this is far more important.

user Mark Crimson has written
Don't ban Erik!
He good man

REALLY? After today it's pretty obvious that he needs to be banned and that he isn't a "good man".

old Re: Request to ban Erik

User Off Offline

Yay! Rambo is back!
7 zip did help.
Rambo, add me on skype btw, alex.kesa
edited 1×, last 09.09.11 05:03:55 pm

old Re: Request to ban Erik

Mark Crimson
User Off Offline

user Majatek has written
Actually, screw going to bed for the moment, this is far more important.

user Mark Crimson has written
Don't ban Erik!
He good man

REALLY? After today it's pretty obvious that he needs to be banned and that he isn't a "good man".

Why you want to ban him?
tell me a cause.
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