I'm sorry to say, but I just downloaded ur map and played it and it is, not to really put you down, one of the most horrible and crappiest map ever made for cs2d. I can not honestly say that I like any part of the map. To tell you the truth: The map just sucks.
Download my map pack and play some of my maps for an idea of what a great map looks like. I don't want to discourage you from map making, if that's something you want to do, but this first map is really bad. Advertising is a talent of yours, isn't it?
Your continuously bold self-praise has made me curious. I could even say suspicious, because I would not have thought your maps could actually be that good.
But having played some of them, I must now surprisedly say they indeed are.

Therefore I give you this unique "EwokChieftain's favorite mapper"-trophy, which only is awarded every 10.000 years by the "EwokChieftain's favorite mapper"-jury consisting of me and my best invisible friends.
dm_lavagiant: My CS2D version of the unreal tournament map "Lava giant". Includes waypoints.
UT-like player graphics, which rather accomodate to that environment than the normal chaps. edited 4×, last 06.09.06 08:29:48 pm
ok yea but this was y first map soooo yea it might suck edited 2×, last 07.09.06 02:38:53 pm
Admin/mod comment
to many smileys. stop that. multiple smileys or exclamation marks are ugly crapy shitty shit. so stop it. thanks. Ameer, like I said in my comment, I don't mean to put you down in any way, but I felt I should be completely honest in my assessment. Please do not be angry with me, as I may have been a little harsh, but I meant it to be more of constructive criticism.
For your map, adding sprites and custom textures immediately make a map better. Creating a logical and varied layout is also very important. Varying tiles and avoiding using the same tile for many tiles in a row will also help. Please continue to map if that's what you enjoy doing, and I hope to see awesome maps from you!
Ewok, thanks for this amazing trophy! lol
I may have been a little overstressed and persistent in my advertisement, maybe even a little too much like bragging, but I am only trying to get my work out into the CS2D community as much as possible for everyone to enjoy!
Oh, and I really like your Player Skins. I've seen them before on FPSBANANA.com. Your map dm_lavagiant is included in CS2D, and is an alright map, I don't find it super great only because it isn't accurate enough to the real UT map, which is an awesome map! Admin/mod comment
please do not double-post! If it was just to mark the thread as new, that also happens on editing. /EwokChieftain Lol. Can i get some kind of tropfy to? Yea but i dont know how to add sprites
and custom textures??? i just make my map with what is in my mind and what i got Ameer925 has written
Yea but i dont know how to add sprites
and custom textures??? i just make my map with what is in my mind and what i got
You can leard by opening a map. Open some maps (like say...cs_stranded) and see how the sprites there work.
And custom textures? They are called tiles here. Just edit some old tiles and save them in a different file name. Yea ok
oh and i think u mean learn*
P.S. how do u unsubscribe from raoid share no one gets my maps and i just wont submit it online i will use it for bot games only so how???
And how do u submit ur maps on filefront???? i tried it says it needs to be less than 1 GB and it is!?!?!?
AND I QUIT MAP MAKING i will just play other peoples map
edited 5×, last 08.09.06 12:59:09 pm
I dont know how to unsubscribe...Why would you want to ?
And i dont know why you cant on filefront...
not on any site but rapidshre
I have some of those maps, but the map I submitted, de_prodigy_JW, isn't in your archive... And whatever happened to the contest? Did you ever pick a winner? Why was the website never updated with new info about the contest?
But, whatever, the contest was a nice idea, it just never got anywhere... |Justin| has written
But, whatever, the contest was a nice idea, it just never got anywhere...
That's the very point. I quote Scorpion (from the german forum):
Scorpion has written
map contest
I'm remembering that some day I have made a map contest
Sry to everyone who participated but somehow it did not develop because
1. it disappeared into nowhere and I
2. I thought DC would finish Stranded 2 faster.
Download Now
Link to my present cs2d forum
to complain that one's map which was so hard to create
has not been treated with appropriate care

To your information: You of course need a zip or rar extractor.

The maps are not more than 1 MB in size and therefore small enough for dial-up (you can look up the exact size for each map). The only maps that actually reach the limit are those with mp3 sound and this is not necessary to play them.
(but it has to be downloaded as well)
Translating is fun
Oh, ok. I've read that thread previously, but, as I can not read/speak German, the first part was completely foreign to me, so I just ignored it. Justin, im taking ur advice of map ( and u munx ) and i made some and downloaded tiles to make a new map, but my sprites dont work <:( Ameer925 has written
Justin, im taking ur advice of map ( and u munx ) and i made some and downloaded tiles to make a new map, but my sprites dont work <:(
Use "env_sprite." Create a sprite (or choose/edit one that is already in the gfx/sprites folder) and make sure that any part of the sprite that you want to be transparent, is the color black (R:0 G:0 B:0). In the editor, select the enitity "env_sprite" and place it wherever. In the File box, type gfx/sprites/the_sprite_file.bmp. For X and Y size, type the pixel x pixel size you want the sprite to be scaled to. In the Alpha box, type a number between 0.0 and 1.0. This will be the alpha color transparency of the sprite. (0 is invisible, 1 is solidly colored). For the Colors (Red, Green, Blue) fill in the colors you want the sprite to be. If the sprite file itself is already the color you want, set it to R:255, G:255, B:255 (white) which will make it full color. You can change the rotation with the Rotation disk. You can also change the offset of the sprite with the X and Y offsets. (This can also be done by hovering your cursor over the sprite symbol on the map, and using your Numpad keys (8,4,6,2) to move up, down, right, and left. You can also use 7 and 9 to rotate counter-clockwise and clockwise. If you want your sprite to be transparent in the black areas, set the Mask mode to 4.
I know this explaination is a little bit long, but I hope it helps. I can give you more hints if you need. Ameer925, did you try making an EXACT copy of a sprite?
(color setting, mask modes, alpha and so on). Try it on palms. Then try with your own sprites. hey soon on rapidshare i will have cm_unit50 V. 1.1
( its still going to be called cm_unit50
P.S. do u know were i can get new sprites edited 2×, last 16.09.06 03:12:28 am