So far, a new topic has been created for each single custom map here. This has made it really hard to overview the downloads.
So if you would care to post your maps here in the future instead, I would be delighted.
And please post your old ones too, if you have the time.
Finally, my last request: If the German users want to make me the happiest moderator on earth, they could post their maps here with english descriptions in addition to the counterpart in the german forum. Of course only those who are able to. Google translations are rather a source of confusion than of help.
Thanks in advantage.
## added on 9-11 2006: ##
From now on, this furthermore is a thread for little modifications of the game, such as new sounds or tilesets or player graphics. edited 2×, last 26.12.06 09:09:01 pm
alright im making some and i'm posting'em
edited 1×, last 07.01.08 01:11:42 pm
Please download my map pack of 31 of my maps. I hope you will agree with me that they are very good maps. Here is a list of included maps. Please comment on them if you wish. The link to the download, as posted in a previous thread is at, a direct link to my maps posted on FileFront.
Alphabetical Map List:
01. aim_breakthru
02. aim_breakthru_dust
03. aim_breakthru_jungle
04. aim_breakthru_snow
05. aim_sniper_river
06. cs_carrier
07. cs_carrier2
08. cs_carrier2005
09. csde_airport
10. csde_railroad
11. de_bankjob
12. de_bankjob2
13. de_Congo_JW
14. de_Congo_Night_JW
15. de_crates
16. de_cs2dii
17. de_dust1000
18. de_dustV
19. de_galactic
20. de_prodigy_JW
21. fy_shotgun
22. fy_shotgun_2d *new map*
23. he_cubicle
24. ka_minesweeper
25. scoutzknivez_2d
26. surf_cs2d_v1
27. surf_cs2d_v2
28. cs_druglab_JW
29. de_king
30. cs_pf_dust
31. dm_black&white
For link, click the link in my signature
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< link > Admin/mod comment
Added the link to your post, because you might change your signature one day.

ljUSTiNl has written
Please download my map pack of 31 of my maps. I hope you will agree with me that they are very good maps. Here is a list of included maps. Please comment on them if you wish. The link to the download, as posted in a previous thread is at, a direct link to my maps posted on FileFront.
Alphabetical Map List:
For link, click the link in my signature
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< link >
look good :p many maps
Admin/mod comment
And because there are so many maps you shouldn't quote the whole list. /HW lol, for my first comment up there
the admin said he had to add a link because i might change my signature, but if you read the beggining of the message, i have another link, also, so now there are a total of 3 links on that comment.
But anyway, enjoy my maps. justin, i like allmost all your maps how do i add
the maps
Unit-50 leader has written
how do i add
the maps

what do you mean by that? do you want to know how to take the maps and place them in CS2D so you can play them? If so, as long as the authors of the maps compiled the maps correctly in a .ZIP or .RAR file, as my maps are, you should be able to just open the file with WinZIP or WinRAR and say extract to your cs2d directory (i.e. C: /Program Files/cs2d_0101). I can explain further if you specify exactly what you need help with. Just go to, upload your maps and write the link for the download here. Unit-50 leader has written
how do i add
the maps

<outer quotation removed>
oh man to load the maps just put them in you map folder...
here is one map by me edited 1×, last 04.09.06 10:32:17 am
Admin/mod comment
Just quote what you talk about! /EC
No i meant on this site,
on the site dosent let me submit my maps and im a member so i want people to kno my map ( cm_unit50 ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had people that also play this game come to my house ( i knew them ) and try my maps. <
so can u help
p.s. i might get a membership for this site, is it worth it ???????????? o and ur map dm_gancho is good but old and already made i saw it made by somone else, but is awsome

Do like me - register on, upload your maps there, then give us the link here.
<quotation removed>
@ Justin: Can you make more maps? The maps fun to play Admin/mod comment
Do not fucking quote such long posts! "@ <insert person>" is absolutely enough to only show who you talk to! /EwokChieftain o my new name is going to be Ameer925got that Ameer925
this is my new signature |X42|XiaoDgreat has written
Can you make more maps? The maps fun to play
Lol, do you know how much time I spend on those maps? Making more maps isn't an easy task, especially to the high standard of quality and professionalism I strive for in each new map. Recently, I have slowed progression on making more maps, and am unsure of how soon I will be making more, but currently I have a few "In Progress" or "On the Drawing Board."
I hope you enjoy the work I put into my maps to try to make them the highest quality, but please don't press me for more. im on my psp only today so can anyone get my map it is the best, but wait a few hours u would love it