
rating is justified but you should remove the comment that you can revenge rate... LOL

but you should remove the comment that you can revenge rate... LOL
I don't get that part.
Tonton Ed
Look at all his ratings - And yet he hasn't uploaded one map himself? I hate people like this, In my opinion, there should be a rule where, if you don't have at least 1 file with a rating of 3+, then you cannot vote. I haven't thought it through because I'm.. on a tight schedule, but it may target a few revengers/flamers/un-appreciative arrogants.
That's the most ridiculous rule ever. It'd mean flamers and trolls rate all noobs 1/5 so they can't give commentaries etc.

Actually, "Your work sucks" is not a flame.
I got a flame mark for saying your English sucks. And a 6 hour ban, lol.

Actually, "Your work sucks" is not a flame.
I got a flame mark for saying your English sucks. And a 6 hour ban, lol.
And "dickhead", "fucktard" isn't flame :D!!

Actually, "Your work sucks" is not a flame.
"go cry somewhere else" is.

Actually, "Your work sucks" is not a flame.
"go cry somewhere else" is.
I still can't see any flame comment.
Go - flame? NO
Cry - flame? WTF NO?
Somewhere - flame? err NO
Else - NO
Fuck you fucktard.
fuck - not flame
you - not flame
fucktard - not flame
sentence all together - flame.
lol i was like OTT *hmm whats that?* , looks at spoiler.. aaahh lol.

That and that
Because i rated his map 1/5
EDIT: moar revenge
EDIT2: Thanks DC :3
edited 1×, last 18.07.11 04:20:01 pm
Someone uploading a good file then someone raping it.
Everyone rating 5/5 but that kid rating 1/5-2/5.
Seriously, what the hell?
Do you seriously think killerboy1's rating is fair?
Damn it!
edited 4×, last 19.07.11 03:26:47 pm
so.. it's okay.

a rating of 2 is "it's okay"
so.. it's okay.
so.. it's okay.
This is just spam

Admin/mod comment
No, this is. /Leiche
a rating of 2 is "it's okay"
so.. it's okay.
so.. it's okay.
Yea. But it's better than the standard players so it's more than just okay.