Goshen, it is still a fair rating. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I agree he is being a dickhead, but 4/5 is still 'very good', eh?
I posted this when his rating was 1/5. When he saw this thread he shit his pants and changed it back

Anyways, he is just an ass.
okey...just saw the forum and yea my rating was 1/5 after some dude named GOSHEN wasnt okey with my 4/5.
as i comented there!READ MY 1ST COMMENT AT THAT FILE!i wrote that 3 stars for the idea and 1 star for the resize(resizes only deserves 1/5)and im not saying that it sucks im saying that the CAT is resized!IM getting pissed off by some random ret*cough*not going to insult cos that is going to lead me to a ban.
*EDIT*Ban me if u want cos i just gave my fairest opinion till some DUDE started to piss me off.