Seriously though I don't look for the moderator position like 90% of the people here... I know what being a moderator is like. I was admin of my own forum, with only 12 people, and junk that gets posted sometimes is enough to make me do a literal face-palm.
Everybody's saying kimkat7... (And themselves)
But I got a better question, if Kimkat is so active, then why hasn't he posted here already. We need someone who is active, views all the forums, and can make intelligent responses to different situations...
Not to mention I don't remember ever seeing him in the stranded 2 section... (someone correct me if I be wrong)
I'd vote for Vector666, but in his recent history we can all see he hadn't posted a single message in 10 whole days.
What choices do we have?
I'm currently withholding my vote till I can get a grip of who would actually be a good moderator...
I suggest myself ,i'm registered above 1 year (03/09/09) ,my english skill is very good (not perfect ,but i'm studying) ,I visit all days ,and I only have 1 rule violation
I really do not want to be moderator, because i surelly would flame some people because their acting really annoys me.
And because i have 5 rule violations T_T (due to old childish -_-)
My grammar isn't good sometimes, like in discussions, i can easily discuss and have good arguments in portuguese, but when im nervous i normally type really idiot mistakes on english.
(Because Yates is always correcting my grammar errors, and i hope he continues, because it helps a lot, really)
So: requirements: registered for at least 1 year (no exceptions here! 1 year is the absolute minimum) active (visits website each day) good and fair behavior zero or few violations good English skills
Btw, KimKat is showing a good behavior, i dunno how much rule violations he got, but i think 1 or 0.
So, i vote for KimKat, he should be a good mod.
I'd like to be part of 'the team' and help out a bit around here but that's not my choice. I do still offer myself.
(Oh wait, I registered on 20.07.10 ...)
Imo, there's actually noone that does comment and/or look all of the uploads from all sections which would be a pain in the ass, knowing that there's lots of uploads per day.
While I haven't known Bloodshot for the three years he's been using this forum, in the time I HAVE known him he has earned my respect (for the most part). He is level headed, well read-and usually, if not always, reads, rereads and rerereads a 'post' from a conversation before replying-he doesn't argue so much as question and his questions often make me realize either what he doesn't understand or what I've misstated or misunderstood.
I believe he is well suited to be a moderator.
Where and how a user post don't tell anything about his moderating skills...
It doesn't... but would you give moderator status to a guy who doesn't post in the requested area?
DC is requesting moderators for english area, and not for german one...