

Yeah, I know I have many, many, many... violations

So,i would vote for KimKat cause i know he will do a great job.

That is, if I did not manage to collect enough violations of course. Oh and I'm off with about 1 month, damn. Hope it won't get in the way :P. But if it does I vote DannyDeth.
edited 1×, last 25.04.11 10:47:31 pm

Acctualy , DC you should keep a eye on Time , if he's enough concentrated he might be a good person , moderator or smth.
edited 1×, last 25.04.11 10:54:12 pm

R a G e has written
might be a good person

Anyway I vote for DannyDeth, he meets all requirements in point of view.
Done, I have more than 1 year here. I started to play since 2009, watch my profile
2.- Active
Every day I look at unreal software what's new.
(I don't post so much, but I always want to be with new information)
3.- Good and fair behavior
I'm friendly and I always try to help the people with Lua, (If I can)
4.- Zero or few violations
I just have one, with the problem of the first BF2D Mod
5.- Good English skills
Well, I studied in an english school. I think I have a good english
I want to be a moderator to see the reports about stolen scripts (This happened to me so I'll take care about this), and to help the people.
My Profile:
edited 7×, last 26.04.11 02:00:42 am
Personally, I know Roni the most... and a little bit of DennyDeth.
I've chatted with KimKat, but mostly it end up with useless topics.
Well, Roni is strict...often lazzy... and maybe messing with people sometimes.
However, he has some guts and if needed he will do the job.
Unfortunately, he isn't really active on EN forum.
KimKat is rather childish and recently doesn't spend a lot of time here, but over the years he has earned people's respect.
DennyDeth, he's more matured and pretty active last days.
He also has some respect from the users.
edited 2×, last 25.04.11 11:13:51 pm
I know the ins and outs of cs2d, and my middle name is 'lua'.
Admin/mod comment
your are an idiot. nothing more, nothing less. stop polluting my forum with your crappy accounts. /DCAnd uh I agree with what BlazingEyed said about DannyDeth. The only drawback is the he sometimes does tend to troll a bit, especially lately but I'm sure this will change once he receives more responsibility.
edited 1×, last 25.04.11 11:15:56 pm
1 - I wonder if you understand the sentence Has to be registered atleast for one year.
2- You are being arrogant which is bad for a mod...
edited 1×, last 25.04.11 11:14:29 pm

It also is his third account.
Right, counted 6.
Yeah, forgot to tell that DennyDeth and KimKat childish sides are pretty similar...