Now, does anyone but me not understand what joaop is talking about?

Now, does anyone but me not understand what joaop is talking about?
No, I have no idea.
I think DC really wanted to make this a serious thread.

Seems like oxy is pretty good at manipulating.
No, I have no idea.
No, I have no idea.
Seems like you are pretty good in toilet cleaning. Man, get the fuck out. You're trash. You think you're awesome, but you're not.
oxy has written
You also think you are the best oxy...You think you're awesome, but you're not.
So when does the second phase starts? i thik that danny, kimkat, tobey and vectar are the ones that should be in the poll of the phase 2.

You also think you are the best oxy...
I'm not. I'm not so arrogant, also. And I pay taxes to government at least.
Btw, i can't edit. Why? Because i forgot to add more peapole.
1. Kimkat7
2. DannyDeth
3. Starkkz
4. Vectar366
DC: If you can, please edit my old message because i don't want to get a new post that way. Because i can't
But if you don't care just leave it

You guys here talking again against the rules! Nice job guys
Well, actually we aren't.
We didn't start to spam we just commented on someone elses suggestion. That's all we actually did.
I'll make a poll with all eligible users who have been suggested here within the next days.
thanks so far.
okay lol, I'm actually too lazy to create a list of all people who have been suggested here and who fulfill the requirements. anyone willing to do that (best would be a list using the user:xyz tag)?

thank you very much
edited 1×, last 15.05.11 04:46:33 pm

edited 1×, last 17.05.11 02:54:31 pm

I'll add a new English moderator (inspired by ). Especially for taking care of stolen uploads and (revenge) ratings and file archive comments in general.
registered for at least 1 year (no exceptions here! 1 year is the absolute minimum)
active (visits website each day)
good and fair behavior
zero or few violations
good English skills
You can now suggest a user (you can also suggest yourself). Please check if the user satisfies the listed requirements before suggesting.
You can also suggest users who have already been suggested by others. This way I can see that multiple people suggest the same user.
Please provide a profile link with your suggestion!
Next phase: I'll either create a poll or I'll choose one of the recommended users myself (of course I'll make sure that they really want to become moderator first).

You can now suggest a user (you can also suggest yourself). Please check if the user satisfies the listed requirements before suggesting.
You can also suggest users who have already been suggested by others. This way I can see that multiple people suggest the same user.
Please provide a profile link with your suggestion!
Next phase: I'll either create a poll or I'll choose one of the recommended users myself (of course I'll make sure that they really want to become moderator first).
DC i don't think anyone visits this site every day ,just think about it:you visit your grandma and no pc fr a day...

DC i don't think anyone visits this site every day ,just think about it:you visit your grandma and no pc fr a day...
Think again!
No really, I do.
Fapicon should not be there, due to his english.
you forgot me



other people