
Server w/o portforward
12 replies

2. Throw it out of the window
3. ???
Try to use hamachi, but dont start spamming your server.
Read it and you will know.

edit: How do you make a cs2d hamachi server?
edited 1×, last 07.04.11 12:23:15 pm
only friends of you, who use hamachi too, can join your server
Another possibility to host servers w/o portforwarding is: Buy a VPS (v-/rootserver). Disadvantage: costs money each month, and you need to know how to work with the linux console
TheKilledDeath has written
Another possibility to host servers w/o portforwarding is: Buy a VPS (v-/rootserver). Disadvantage: costs money each month, and you need to know how to work with the linux console
You make owning a VPS sound bad. There are a lot more advantages:
As many servers as your root-/v-server can handle ( usually about 5-10, depending on RAM, processor and bandwidth )
VPS's are only about 5-15 US dollars per month.
Disadvantages ( also a few more

Because you are not physically sitting next to the computer, you may find it hard to control it.
Linux console can take a week or two to learn how to use.
Varying operating systems mean that you can never be sure that a command will work ( usually they will, however ).
Your connection has no GUI, which means that using package managers to install things is a little harder.
But you'll get used to it. If you want to try get a feel for the Linux console before you buy a VPS, download a small distro such as SliTaz or TinyCore and open up the virtual terminals. you could also try a real terminal by hitting Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to leave the GUI. I suggest SliTaz for a Linux beginner over TinyCore because TinyCore is just too minimal to really test things out.
EDIT: And better say it, if you want to get back into the GUI, type 'startx' into the terminal and hit enter.
EDIT2: Making a server on Hamachi is simple. Start Hamachi, open CS2D, click 'New Game'. Then make your friends join via 'Connect to IP' using your Hamachi IP address.
If you want to run the dedicated server, start Hamachi and then start the dedicated server. Then do the 'Connect to IP'. It's basically the same procedure.
But remember that your friends must also be using Hamachi and joined to your Hamachi network!

DannyDeth has written
Linux isn't very hard to use, trust me. Maybe you should start by toying around with cmd.exe from Windows first, just incase you accidentally wipe your harddrive clean while using Linux 

Haha... the only command i know in cmd is ipconfig

So learn! That is all I can say, it will benefit you later in life.
EDIT: You know that there is a CS2D WebInterface? You can setup Apache on your VPS and then use the CS2D WebInterface to control it. It's very simple.
workarounds like hamachi are not equal to a real server with port forwarding because nobody will join unless you tell him to join your hamachi group and to join the server afterwards. so that's rather pointless if you plan to have a "public" server.
it's also possible that people can join if you tell them your IP and if they join manually using the connect by ip option in cs2d. cs2d uses NAT hole punching in that case which can trick the NAT of SOME (but not all) routers. you don't need to forward if the NAT punchthrough works. but again this is nothing which works for "public" servers because your server will not appear in the serverlist without proper port forwarding.