
Please help Sniper script
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Is it possible to create a camera info at mouse point... with a certain limit on the yaw angle?
Then view it through that camera?
How about, adjusting the "eyes" of the player...
Can that be done using the xyz and yaw commands on the go?
But I think eyes IS the camera of the player...
In that case, animals will not run after you...
You would always be able to fire...
Of course, you would have to make the script so that the camera moves exactly where the player is pointing otherwise your aiming would be totally off...
Thats all considering of course, the camera can be adjusted...
I got my own scripts to work on.

My question would be, CAN you adjust the eyes of the player on command?
I'd suggest asking someone like, Hurri or DC about that question... if you can't adjust the eyes of the player on the go, then its sorta pointless to even try.

just out of curiosity...
Is it possible to create a camera info at mouse point... with a certain limit on the yaw angle?
Then view it through that camera?
Is it possible to create a camera info at mouse point... with a certain limit on the yaw angle?
Then view it through that camera?
if you're refering to this, I can tell you that loopings and stuff like that are impossible with the default version of the source code so you'd have to modify it.
though I'm not even sure whether Blitz3D even supports functions for upside-down and head-over view.
at least I think it is very clear that the source code at it's current state doesnt allow this to be implemented easily, since there are some things like the terrain and the water line which are pretty much hardcoded, those are the basics of the game on which everything is built up.
so for that kind of stuff you'd have to do massive changes in the source code!
here how to post script...

Can someone help me.. please
my script and good
....but do not know post

I know to need edit source code
Thanks for help
EDIT: How to change eyes with script?
edited 1×, last 07.10.11 10:42:17 am