Sorry for my bad english.

Portuguese´s in unrealsoftware
23 repliesSorry for my bad english.

And I've met some Portuguese people in-game (not talking about Brazilians - those are everywhere), and my cousin once played it thanks to me.
Also I've added on MSN at least 3 to 4 people who I met in the game that were here from Portugal. I thinnk they don't play it anymore though.
Rodrigo X has written
(not talking about Brazilians - those are everywhere)
One of the reasons that i don't use the "proud to be brazilian" fan-bar.
The problem is not they being everywhere, but HOW they act everywhere, like idiot babyes or ignorants...
Joaopcvcastro has written
One of the reasons that i don't use the "proud to be brazilian" fan-bar.
The problem is not they being everywhere, but HOW they act everywhere, like idiot babyes or ignorants...
Rodrigo X has written
(not talking about Brazilians - those are everywhere)
One of the reasons that i don't use the "proud to be brazilian" fan-bar.
The problem is not they being everywhere, but HOW they act everywhere, like idiot babyes or ignorants...
Yeah. I know you are Brazilian, I don't think you are like this, but MOST Brazilians are either: kids, spammers/flooders, stackers, hackers ("cadê o xiter? eu quero cara!").... hmmm.... yeah, nobody is perfect, even some Portuguese people are stupid, but I'm talknig about MOST people in general, and CS2D and many other games suffer from "Brazilian overload". Btw, Joao - I respect you.
Spanish too... most part of them are arrogant, they think they are awesome, use rcon and that s**ts to look skilled, and most part of 'em stay in groups, so they always agree with they friends, that's the most annoying part.
But brazilian people are in fact, spammers, hackers, or ignorants (they even know how to write CHEATER), i personally like to call them "marginais".
My currently fear now is that they populate Minecraft and start griefeing, but... this pay 2 play is a great filter agaisnt this kind of people

So? Useless post, yourself. So what if someone wants to find out if there are any other players of his nationality?

@Trauma Tizer:
So? Useless post, yourself. So what if someone wants to find out if there are any other players of his nationality?
So? Useless post, yourself. So what if someone wants to find out if there are any other players of his nationality?
Kk. I'm gonna create multiple threads for every country so players can find the dudes that are on the same country

@Danny He's from Spain. They hate each other.
No i don't hate brazilians. Just saying that this is a useless thread. Because if this is allowed. Then there should be threads with their own country.

@Danny He's from Spain. They hate each other.
Nah. Portugal and Spain were enemies in the past, but now the 2 countries are really close to each other (as oppose to Portugal and Brazil).

@Danny He's from Spain. They hate each other.
No i don't hate brazilians. Just saying that this is a useless thread. Because if this is allowed. Then there should be threads with their own country.
Woah, hold on there. This is for Portuguese people, yeah, from fucking Portugal.
Don't forget that Brazil wouldn't exist if Portugal didn't colonise it at first place (it would probably be part of Argentina or something).
And AFAIK there's isn't a spamload of fuckillions (hell yeah,

Just leave this alone. Damn some people just want to get trouble where they aren't called.
Now, returning to the sense of this topic: this is to see which users on

And no. I don't hate Portuguese people too. In fact, i like them

Oops my bad. People always says that Spanish dudes hates brazilians so it was my mistake.
And no. I don't hate Portuguese people too. In fact, i like them
And no. I don't hate Portuguese people too. In fact, i like them
I also like Spanish people (from Spain, now from Latin America... meh).
Now guys, lets get back on-topic (I don't want this to be closed :().
Well, if Spain and Portugal didn't settle South America the Maya, Aztec and Inca cultures ( races would be a better word, perhaps? ) would still be thriving. There are more than two sides to majority of stories, haha. Okay, now this has gone severly off-topic and I'm not helping here, so...

Tizer is right, there are lot of "Where are you from?" threads(especially portuguese). And who cares where are you from? You can check it at the profile page. I think this going to be trashed aswell.
This isn't a where are you from thread... God damn it, I'm tired.
Just leave this thread alone.
petertoman has written
Where are you from?" threads(especially portuguese).
Read the whole text and change your opinion.