
I like this mod, he's still probably working on it, be patient this looks like a very excellent mod.
All weapons are almost done ( keep fixing), and we have the support of Joaopcvcastro, he made some cool-ass pistols for us. Now re-painting the players...
Can someone help me to take the killstreak part from loooser's cod script please ? He gave me permission to edit it and I got dizzy looking at the script @@.
(First page updated, woohoo)
edited 1×, last 30.09.11 05:10:24 pm

gercekten sagol cok guzel olmus
Speak English only in this section. Jeez, what's with all the turks these days?

gercekten sagol cok guzel olmus
Speak English only in this section. Jeez, what's with all the turks these days?
They are turkish kids. What did you expect from them?

Anyway, I hope this mod will be out soon, looks great so far.
Edit: Working on rust

edited 1×, last 17.11.11 02:55:27 pm

I turkish kids too
Good for you.
Anyway, I know this project is still alive, but I can't wait to see the final product

Yes, I need some good mappers. I have too many school works so I don't know when can this mod come out.
Edit: Working on rust

Edit: Working on rust

Hmmm... Bad shadings of buildings!

Hmmm... Bad shadings of buildings!
I can fix then

Oh, wow. You're so special, no one can fix them but you! Good job for achieving something in your life.
Seriously though, @

Also, please. Don't let him fix it. You best do a job yourself, that way you know it's right.
btw, this is how the map looks like now:
Anyone knows how to delete all sprites in the maps ?? I was lazy so I copied and pasted the sprites and now it has bunch of sprites in there. Stupid me.

I made the shadows like that cuz it will look like the real map in mw2. But if you guys prefer the CS2D normal shadows, I'll fix it.
btw, this is how the map looks like now:
Anyone knows how to delete all sprites in the maps ?? I was lazy so I copied and pasted the sprites and now it has bunch of sprites in there. Stupid me.
btw, this is how the map looks like now:
Anyone knows how to delete all sprites in the maps ?? I was lazy so I copied and pasted the sprites and now it has bunch of sprites in there. Stupid me.
No, I not prefer normal CS2D shadows. You have bad shadow image. You using wall_stream or something like this, yes? I prefer to use shadows from my (cs_snowy)or Time's (de_mane) map.