
Phil, if i could go over to your house and bludgeon you to death with a sharp Stick, i would
You said this was YOUR mod, But you had a Entire team of Modders, tha fuck?
"Delay" would mean that the project has been temporary STOPPED, it does not mean "Developing", You goddamn Vietnamese Retard
Seriously, How you talk and behave just makes me think Vietnam is full of assfaced blockbrained goddamn Retards like you, be lucky the US didn't Nuke your country out of the water during the Vietnam War
You said this was YOUR mod, But you had a Entire team of Modders, tha fuck?
"Delay" would mean that the project has been temporary STOPPED, it does not mean "Developing", You goddamn Vietnamese Retard
Seriously, How you talk and behave just makes me think Vietnam is full of assfaced blockbrained goddamn Retards like you, be lucky the US didn't Nuke your country out of the water during the Vietnam War
1) The "ENTIRE TEAM" are now stop working, they just disapear, no msg, no online, no nothing - So now only me working with it and I can say that this is "MY MOD" now.
2) Delay because reason 1 ^, and some other, for example reason, the sfx part should be done long ago, but the Sound-er forgot to backup the file and now he is recording it... again.
3) I am "Designer" and I'm in the Dev-team of one of the best Game Publisher/Developer in Viet Nam.
4) Sorry, my family are love to join "U.S." than "Viet Cong" - Me ? I hate Viet Cong too, I wish US could Nuke all the fucking Viet Cong baster in VN War too.
5) You know nothing about me, so just shut up and disapear, ok ?
6) STOP this shit in here. Love to join and disscus about CF2D, I'm ready to talk about it, and if you come here to troll or talk about the other thing (most of people are talk about me and "Copyrights" things...), So if you don't like something about this Game or Me or Copyrights, please post it in another Topic/Thread, Thank you.

1) The entire team has stopped working, they just disappeared, no messages, not being online, nothing.
I would quit as well if the "so called owner" would turn cocky and start telling everything is mine.
Also, learn English.

1) The entire team has stopped working, they just disappeared, no messages, not being online, nothing.
I would quit as well if the "so called owner" would turn cocky and start telling everything is mine.
Also, learn English.
You don't understand what I said are you ? I've written:
"STOP this shit in here. Love to join and disscus about CF2D, I'm ready to talk about it, and if you come here to troll or talk about the other thing (most of people are talk about me and "Copyrights" things...), So if you don't like something about this Game or Me or Copyrights, please post it in another Topic/Thread, Thank you."

Well... No shit


the leader of [X-team] clan is me not the orther guys

Also, phihung, I highly doubt you are part of a game dev team, if a small Lua script and a couple of sprites delay you then you would never be able to complete an entire game.

Would you okes please stop acting like a bunch of nincompoops?
Also, phihung, I highly doubt you are part of a game dev team, if a small Lua script and a couple of sprites delay you then you would never be able to complete an entire game.
Also, phihung, I highly doubt you are part of a game dev team, if a small Lua script and a couple of sprites delay you then you would never be able to complete an entire game.
What you totally mean ? I don't understand.
It doesn't get any clearer.

1) The "ENTIRE TEAM" are now stop working, they just disapear, no msg, no online, no nothing - So now only me working with it and I can say that this is "MY MOD" now.
2) Delay because reason 1 ^, and some other, for example reason, the sfx part should be done long ago, but the Sound-er forgot to backup the file and now he is recording it... again.
2) Delay because reason 1 ^, and some other, for example reason, the sfx part should be done long ago, but the Sound-er forgot to backup the file and now he is recording it... again.
I thought the whole team stopped, except you. How come the sound guy be still there then?

3) I am "Designer" and I'm in the Dev-team of one of the best Game Publisher/Developer in Viet Nam.
I highly doubt it.
pls ask super123s change pls:
1. the leader of X-team is me ( [X-team]_-Devil-_) and the forum is
2. the leader of H.K.P is micycojail
3. some clan's server: [X-team] City blocker3.7(Hosted by me), [X-team] Tibia new ver ( hosted by me), RPG [X-team] by Fox ( Hosted by Fox)
thanks for reading

edited 2×, last 14.01.12 12:14:26 pm

phihung940: on what can I help here?

Help me making the "Next-Gen Classes-System" :), can you my friend ?

phihung940: on what can I help here?

Help me making the "Next-Gen Classes-System" :), can you my friend ?
If you explain exactly what you need me to make for this project, then maybe I would help you. But the title doesn't say it all.

First, I will take an example class for my game-mod, so... game will have 4 primary class:
- Assault
- Heavy
- Recon
- Support
*Note: it can be change*
Then the so called "complex" start now... in "Assault" class, you can build your character/player in 2 or maybe 3 way (or you can call this is a "Mini-Class")...
So, when you choose faction then team, then class menu will apear, you will not spawn until you choose class (as an example above, we pick Assault class)
So, pick assault class you will recieve these item:
+ Original Assault: FAMAS, Knife, Grenade and 100% Armor.
- Mini-class 1 called "Combat": Machete, Flashbang, Tac-Shield. Special: Seath Suit
- Mini-class 2 called "Ranger": M4A1, grenade, medium armor - Special: RPG.
Then, after combat with enemy, you will recieve money $ as always... and from that, we start to upgrade our item. So, there are 2 way to build/upgrade:
*Note: Choose your mini-class careful, 'cuz when you're unlock a mini-class, you will not be able to unlock others mini-class until you 100% complete upgrading the one that you choose.*
Player need to unlock the mini-class first, it will take some $ to do that, after it, we start to build/upgrade our mini-class item/equipment.
So, I will take "Combat" class as an example. You will use your $ to upgrade item from the class, from part to part (weapon, equipment, armor...), you can choose which part you will upgrade first, that's all your choice. But all part must be complete before you be able to upgrading class special ability/equipment/item.
As a "Combat" class, you will have to upgrade these item first...
- Knife to Machete
- Grenade to Flashbang
- FAMAS to Tactical Shield
Before you can upgrade it special (or ultimate)
+ Special: Kevlar + Helm to Stealth Suit.
And when you're 100% complete upgrade a mini-class... now you're able to unlock other class... and do the same...
After finish upgrading 2 mini-class. Now you're able to change between 2 (or more) mini-class.
and the "Next-Gen Classes System" end here. If you have any suggestion or question, please reply.