Also, some posts above TKD said all what you just tell to us :p

Also, some posts above TKD said all what you just tell to us :p
TheKilledDeath has written
...because he doesn't understand them and if there is anything illegal written...
I was talking about that: more languages than 2(or max.3) at a forum: chaos. And, Max didn't talk about profile pictures, too. First, read the posts.
Refresh has written
Max didn't talk about profile pictures,
Im talking about profile and mod flag and thats what i whant.

other flags would not make sense for this setting because the website doesn't support it and it wouldn't know if you want to receive mail notifications (which do not exist yet) in English or German.
if you want to show your language: add it to your signature or something.
I don't think that we need to add an additional profile option for that. it will only lead to even more rule violations because people will start to talk in their languages (other languages than English and German) and that's forbidden ( )
May be this user is Englishman and we talking on English (But we dont whant to talk on english because we need to learn english for GOOD).

DC has written
if you want to show your language: add it to your signature or something.
What about annotations ? i think i still remember them, lol. would be cool

Silent_Control has written
DC, why don't you put the flag of my country? I'm from Barbados. I'm from Bairiki. I'm from St. Kitts and Nevis. I'm from Papua New Guineea.

In us is more people from center of europe like Lithuania,Russia,Whiterussia,Ukraine,Poland...
edited 1×, last 03.01.11 10:46:19 am

And there are not soo many russians at the PAGE .
Im half german and half serbian .
And i think that sux when now everyone come and say to DC that they will their flags...

we are just talking about additional flags in your profile which can be used to indicate the mother tongue of users.
nothing more and nothing less. no additional translations for the website.
well.. does someone have a list of languages which should be added?
well.. does someone have a list of languages which should be added?
Yeah i have a list

But half of people here have problems with english. Hmm ... I can't do anything with it, this is DC's website.

I thing thats whel be ok