
Piano Thread
11 replies

Th3 Snip3r has written
Of course only if you don't do a copyright infringement Posting sheets is alowed!MIDI Upload allowed,MP3's Upload allowed.
and the harry potter tune..:)
Well, I still like the piano.

I want to learn how to play "Linkin Park - In the end" on piano.
Mod-_er_- has written
can you find the "cannon" piano song for me, and its tutorial?
Lol, you just need to find notes and learn how to read them

Th3 Snip3r has written
That's great stuff. I might use it. Here useful piano program: Synthesia you can see .MID songs and you will see how to play on piano.

bunnyhop has written
Yeah thanks it was great notes, but I can't read them. on the link i've posted are the most popular songs (press F3 to search; there are in the end and numb somewhere)