Off Topic
How many warnings do i have to get to be banned?
How many warnings do i have to get to be banned?
13 replies I wonder. I have 2 warnings. Got one today.
I will miss you guys if i get banned.
Me and my soul will be always with you!
Depends on what exactly you did. I spammed. No big deal imo but DC thinks the opposite
. May be that you get banned with one warning. May be that you don't get banned with 20 warnings. Depends on what you did SQ Moderator
Even I have two warnings, that's not a big deal
One of them doesn't exist anymore on forum though... I got 19 and still here
I remember seeing a post (I think of DC) that said something like what TKD posted. i also have 2 , both about flaming.. xx
But yeah , if you've done something light , like off topicing , it isn't that bad i guess.. I got many off-topic marks like illegal
and I didn´t got much flame marks
I got 0 =D
imma good boy
Nem User
I got 0 too, but if some of you guys remember my first thread about cars.......i cant say what i am good enough
I've got 0 warnings. Yay me!
I think it works like this:
If you make a massive flame or your first thread is advertising (spam) you get banned.
But if you do a few offtopics here and there you won't get a ban. At least not if you do it first time
EDIT: That doesn't mean you have to make your first offtopic
DC Admin
as tkd said. depends. just try to get no new violations...