
X-mas Wishlist
38 replies
-WiLSoN- has written
uhm the computer i've been waiteng since september ¬¬
uhm may be some money too
what about oposing force source ? :B
and that games are really coming ??
i only knew bm:s was coming
uhm may be some money too

NTD has written
Black Mesa Source,Blue Shift Source,Operation Black Mesa Source
what about oposing force source ? :B
and that games are really coming ??
i only knew bm:s was coming

are you dumb? sorry but i said Operation Balck Mesa....IT IS OF Source...jesus...

Blazzingxx has written
Cure from Swine Flu.
huh? You say you've got Swine Flu?
Silent_Control has written
huh? You say you've got Swine Flu?
Editorman has written
I want New PC with Garry's mod 10 and half-life 2 

If you have a steam account with that games u only need the PC lol
Blazzingxx has written
Silent_Control has written
huh? You say you've got Swine Flu?
Jeeeesh... yeah... it's out there.
I hope I don't get it... here in Azores LOTS of cases are appearing.
Even today I saw 3 kids with masks.
But you know - sooner or later everyone will get it.
-- on topic --
I want money to move to either europe, germany, or ireland

on topic:
New comp

playa slaya has written
it will be the end i heard a story when i was younger about a flew all over the world and every one dies of pain and suffering sad sad story i have heard so many ppl geting it im a bit frightened
You are afraid of swine flu, but somewhere many people die from an normal flu. Think about it, if almost 40 000 people die from ordinary one, you afraid of an simple swine flu?
By the way, whats wrong with swines? They rock!

I've got a joke:

That (^) stuff would be nice. Also my own room, that would be awsome!
edited 1×, last 25.11.09 03:56:53 am

I lol'd I want money to move to either europe, germany, or ireland

i want a new handy, an i-pod and a hair straightener ;P (and maybe some money)
I'll ask santa to give me a headphone I guess...

that sounds nice!
but sad, that Santa doesn´t exist

Because than I would get it =D