I love making websites and trying something new with them.
But im getting frustrated because they are so random, that I don`t do anything with them :/.
So give me some ideas, ANYTHING.
So I could even host a site or 2 for everyone to enjoy =).
I love making websites and trying something new with them.
But im getting frustrated because they are so random, that I don`t do anything with them :/.
Hey! You are reading my book!!!
Jonzku777 has written
So give me some ideas, ANYTHING.
So I could even host a site or 2 for everyone to enjoy =).
You should make a site how world would look like 2100
[mymind]Only use pictures that show Linux[/mymind]
[mymind]Only use pictures that show Linux[/mymind]
But what if there will be Linux-takedown and there is only windows left?
And people are spreading propaganda-pics, which include dead-penguins in them?
[mymind]Only use pictures that show Linux[/mymind]
But what if there will be Linux-takedown and there is only windows left?
And people are spreading propaganda-pics, which include dead-penguins in them?
the power of the tux is too powerful for that. i can see ghosts around me... tux....
Anyways, whats the site going to be about? Fusion between Windows And Linux?
OMG The new middle one will be created. The most protected in security, and the most powerful in playing games
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