Sand box; The way of the ninja, Simplten, RCT3GOLD (Sand box mode), & Tornado Jockey.

Favourite Game Genre
22 replies
What is you favourite game Genre?
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Action | 19.44% (7) | |
Shooters | 30.56% (11) | |
Adventure | 2.78% (1) | |
Role-playing | 25.00% (9) | |
Turn based Strategy | 2.78% (1) | |
Real Time Strategy | 5.56% (2) | |
Management | 2.78% (1) | |
Other | 2.78% (1) | |
I have no preference | 8.33% (3) |
36 votes cast
Sand box; The way of the ninja, Simplten, RCT3GOLD (Sand box mode), & Tornado Jockey.

Oh.. I mean shoter!