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Your most remarkable moment
Your most remarkable moment
5 replies Tell us about your most remarkable moment in your whole life (or most remarkable moment yet)
well mine is when i complete a ace attorney chapter and think well done Kazuya COMMUNITY BANNED
Mine was yesterday in Dust 2; someone called me a Noob and i so wanted to own him, and again he flashed me and ran at me with his Ak, but this Time i was pissed; so i stopped eating and left that Guy no Chance ahAHAhaah I shooted him with AWP all the Time
Yeah he called me a Noob and i was like
but then i pulled it off and i was like
and he was like
I've got remarkable moments.
So, I'll tell post-by-post 1-2 moments.
One of them was when yesterday, in Skipper's 1Hit=Kill I owned six guys in a row with USP. (In 6 vs. 1). my 2 most remarkable moments was the first time i played the computer
and the first time i (yes,like you) owned about 7 people with 1 shot with an AWP.
... Ah well... when I used to like Pokémon haha, that's just remarkable. I don't like it anymore because it's too much new insane what-to-call them so I stopped watching Pokémon and stopped buying the cards, true that. That was like 9-10 years ago I think.
I had my remarkable moment like few minutes ago.
I bought Resistance 2 (which is good btw.)
And with beginner`s luck I got 139 kills and 3 deaths with sniper-rifle in single match ^_^.
And this raised my killdeath (46.3) to top-ten