plese only vote the smartest and tell us why u think the country u voted is the smartest.

who is the smartest
4 replies

plese only vote the smartest and tell us why u think the country u voted is the smartest.
Why do you think one country can be smarter than another country?
Well i'd say germany too.. So many great mathematici and physicists came / come from there.
Also in Hitler's time, Germany had great economics and great development of tanks, airplanes etc.
edited 1×, last 16.09.09 01:20:40 pm
and every game is first released in (J)
Well okay u asked for their own opinion but i think it doesnt make any difference cause germans will vote for germany and english for UK and so on.
At the end that country which is overrepresented here will be voted mostly.
Further more its an aspect of globalization which made it nearly impossible to get a result. If u would have asked which country generates (bad word^^) the smartest people it would be a difference.
plz no prejudicing and i didnt voted for my country
Germany will get the most votes because this is a german forum