
how to maek lua skripts
7 replies
To make simple lua script in cs2d you can use samples... (sys/lua/sample)
Btw, I dont think if someone wanna teach you...
I realized that it`s easier to make programs by knowing 95% how they work or should work.
Also, being logical is like 70% of the work, keeping things clean is 20% and 10% is coding itself.

My biggest problems in first place was that I didn`t realize what were I doing, so it was really hard - But with time I learned to "See" what I am doing by making simple stuff with visual-basic and stuff :P.
P.S TKD, ABSOLUTELY great work with that lua-tut!!
TheKilledDeath has written
wow,This is going to help alot thx TKD simple basic tutorial, but not finished (this one is especially for CS2D)

edit: i just made my first script that i made without editing som1elses yay it simple but im finally learning thank you TKD
edited 1×, last 12.09.09 02:22:33 am
(I don`t mean it`s stupid, it sounded funny when i read it =D)

And its actualy not funny, TKD made very specific toturial for cs2d lua.
And who is still confused:
Value = {100,200,300}
In other case...
value[1] = 100
value[2] = 200
value[3] = 300
value[1] + value[2] + value[3] = 600
#value = 3