well, i whink that everybody knows about the rumors about "the pyro is a woman", heres my version of the story (including other things i think):
-the pyro is really a woman, when u look at the shelfs at the team batlements, look at the pyro's upper shelf, you can see a pink (if in RED) or light cyan (if in BLU) purse whit a Cauliflower stamp (remember this flower name!), and in the "Meet the Spy" video at the official blog, when he trows the pics on the table of the spy making out whit a woman (refering as the scout's mom), at the end he chooses a pic of the two walking (the woman holds a purse that looks like the one in the shelf) and he says "My little Cauliflower" in french. AHA?
-and dont bullshit me about the fact that the scout in that video was the red spy, the blu spy says "now look what he did to your mom!" to the scout, but he doesnt know that he was the red spy
-also the pose that the pyro does when his team loses is very woman-like (sorry idk the correct word, bad english >.<)
now i have other rumor that i tought by myself, that the heavy, the soldier and the engineer are brothers, the medic is their father, and the sniper is their uncle and the medic brother
i got to this conclusion by looking at their facial structures, the heavy, soldier and engie are look-alike (i will try to post a pic of all the nine classes here here),
-the medic looks older, and also have semelhant facial structure as their supposed three sons
-the heavy doesnt look too old, enought to be the medic son
-the engie also doesnt look old, he looks younger than the heavy
-i cant tell much about the soldier bcoz half of his head is covered
-the sniper looks like hes the medic brother, then hes the uncle of the engie, heavy and soldier
-idk which one is the older brother, but it looks like the soldier is the younger
i dont have any more proofs than the facial sctructure of those
(my) Final Conclusions of Everything:
-the pyro is scout's mom
-the spy had a case whit the pyro
-the medic is the father of the heavy, soldier and engie
-the sniper and the medic are brothers
-the soldier is the yourger brother
-the heavy is the mid brother
-the engie is the old brother
-thats why they left "Meet the Medic" and "Meet the pyro" videos for last
-i am paranoic
post what do you think about

please dont go off-topic

dont post bullshit

dont tell im crazy because i already know that
EDIT: their pics: