
If player have less than $health value screen is flashing red and we are can hear heart beating. Of course health is regenerating by 0.7,0,0,0 values (health, hungry, thirsty, tired) per 0.5 second

Anyway you can look for textures in google

iv done:
a wooden wheel.
a had a go at rusty iron, its more like a piece or corigated iron sheet(could be used as roofing).
gold ring with a gem/crystal.
steel knuckles, although i dont think they are a very stranded sort of thing.
a diamond.
a pear shape(could be used as a pear cut gem) was created to be an almond.
saphire wip.
emerald wip.
i made a lantern model as well but thats not on the list.
EDIT: Ok, first off, this mod is NOT dead, I'm just incredibly busy. I'm working on a huge FPS project called Penguin Warz, a big movie project, and a bunch of smaller projects including this mod. I'm also getting a bunch of business stuff done for Ecorproductions, but I do work on this from time to time because it's relatively easy and fun. I haven't gotten much done lately though. Modellers, have you guys still been making models?
edited 1×, last 15.07.12 10:27:32 am