have moving pics.i know its possible because ive seen them.the one i want is 100x100 and size is 49kb

Cant creat moving pic on signiture
15 replies

have moving pics.i know its possible because ive seen them.the one i want is 100x100 and size is 49kb

You could download GIMP and make .gif animations that way... Or just use the magical wonders of Google.

playa slaya has written
as you can see i got it to work
yeah , nice picel art

the question is:
how do i make animated GIF?
and what to use?
When you're done with the frames click "Save for web".That should do

good freeware's to make gifs are Photo scape and Gimp.
DC has written
your gif has to have an exact size of 64x64 pixels. otherwise the forum has to resize it which will destroy your animation.
are you sure mines 100x100 and it looks the same
[img ] www.exampleimage.url [/img]
no space at beginning