so after SpaceChuckNorris left dax went to see about captin spacezombiemeat.he walks in and sees no captin spacezombiemeat then the captin jumps out of toilet and starts chocking dax then could it be spacejesuschrist yes it is hes here to save me thought dax .
dax: help me hurry
spacejesuschrist: wth are you talking about i heard that spacechucknorris was here and he owes for that bet last week
dax: well he left so help
spacejesuschrist: well bye
dax: no..help
could it be the end no is it spacewillsmith yes it is
dax: oh thank space its you help me!
spacewillsmith: wth are you talking about i heard that spacejesuschrist was here and he owes for that bet last week
dax: he just left
spacewillsmith: well bye
could it be the end wait is that yes oh no its spacegrimreaper
spacegrimreaper: time to go dax
dax: no...........................
spacegrimreaper pulls out scithe and cuts dax head off
the end