
Parkour,Freeruning & Tricking
22 replies
edited 1×, last 13.08.09 08:43:33 pm
Tricking is all the flips,twists and kicks.
Freerun is a combination , it is still parkour but it combines with tricking and is more for fun than for purpose.
Anyway , i mostly do Tricking.But i have to do it on sand , becouse i don't have a gym around

I parkour myself a lot.
Well for the things you are asking
I do them too
broke my back while wall flip a few days ago

Vibhor has written
broke my back while wall flip a few days ago

Well , you should try wall flip only on gyms i guess ,or on leaves

Other than that , Jonzku , what can you do ?

Vibhor has written
broke my back while wall flip a few days agoQuote
seriously? man that must be painfull
hazy707 has written
i must agree with XTt3ND3d 

Yeah. Finally, someone who agrees with me in this.
"Try it, you are so dumb!"
People say me that, but I respond:
"Go ahead, break your head."
In a philosophy way.
LenZ has written
So guys , does anyone train any of these ? So far i know only coolrun to do them. 

If you check out my video on free running, you can tell that some of the moves are very amateur and too be really taken seriously, =P. I've tried focusing on doing the tricks before, but never really got into parkour / free running. I landed on my shoulder once when attempting a frontflip which gave me fear and never to try it again to this day.
(its not that painful now)
Its 30th time

@Coolrun : Huh , i am intermediate , i am not very good also.
By the way, how can you land on your soldier from front flip ?
Did you over spinned it ?
Becouse from front flip i land on my ass

And so far , my most serious injury was when i first tried kong, i landed on both my knees from 1 meter height and i got some rest , when i got well i immediately went to try it again and now i do it on like my waist height.
Still , i am afraid a bit to try the so called lee frog on rails.
By the way , the technic i spend the most time so far is the ever famous wall spin.I can do it on straight trees , but when it comes to walls i do like a front flip with hands on the wall becouse i fear

edited 1×, last 15.08.09 11:31:22 am
now have a cookie

David Belle, founder of parkour. Is that true? never knew.
GhostFreak has written
you can die too not just break your arm or leg
You can also die walking in home falling and faceplanting your face.If one is to die , he will , no matter whether it is outside or staying at home.
And kimkat , yeh , that's true

Well i didnt died 3 years ago then how will i now?
(I still Cant beat Chuck Noris ...... What a Drag

You , basically , can hurt yourself in every one thing on earth you do.