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Cortex Command - Pure awesomeness
Cortex Command - Pure awesomeness
3 replies Ookay, this is the game I have been playing for...I don`t even know!
But the thing is, that this AWESOME 2D game is absolutely fantastic (lol).
It`s 2D
It`s fully moddable - Now with full lua support
Fan forums which has like hundreds of weapons, maps, scenes and mods.
The game is about war between humans and machines, in skirmish-mode you gotta protect your brain from robots - an inorder to do that, you can mod your own weapons, use existing ones, or download from forums. after that, you can make a delivery to fully...I mean FULLY destructible terrain and choose a spaceship which will deliver your troops and other stuff.
At first hwne you start skirmish, YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN FULLY WORKING BUNKER.
Did i mentioned, THIS GAME HAS AWESOME PHYSICS!!! (Fully moddable ofcourse
The lates build is build 23
P.S Game must be registered for about 10$, or else yuo will have 15 minutes playing peridots (its very much time to play).
BUT if you are lucky, visit AND YOU MIGHT WON A FREE CC CODE CONTEST! It`s nothing but a 5 posts in a forum and link to them to contest.
(I won my code from there
So DL it and ENJOY!
-Thanks! That Game Is Pretty Much A Kick Ass Game , Got It About A Year Ago , And Registered Too! , Tought There Sould Be alittle bit of review :
info : In the world of Cortex Command, many humans have opted to amputate their entire natural bodies in order to prolong their lives and enable interstellar space travel. Their disembodied brains are hardly helpless, however, as they can remotely control all kinds of machines and craft through artificial interfaces.
Playing as one of these people's brains, you can quickly switch control between many different expendable bodies in order to complete otherwise dangerous tasks - all from the physical safety of your command bunker. Use these technological powers of telepathy to collect gold out of the fully destructible terrain, then purchase even more bodies and materiel with those newly acquired funds!
You can even program the crude A.I.s of your puppet army to complete simple tasks (patrolling, digging, etc.) while your attention and direct control is somewhere else. Use your accumulated forces to protect your brain, explore the world, and defeat your competition!
Feautures : Fully destructible environments - The gold you need to excavate is sprinkled throughout the terrain of each scene. Use special digging tools to blast your way into the dirt and debris. All the pieces of bodies and ships from your struggles will fall to the ground and permanently add to the battlefield. Get more powerful (and expensive) diggers and you can even tunnel into your enemies' bunkers from below!
In-game buying menu - At any time and place during the game, bring up a powerful menu to order new bodies and equipment, all delivered at the location and by the transport ship of your choosing. Rockets are cheaper but unreliable and harder to land. Drop ships are far more expensive but can quickly deploy entire groups of puppets onto difficult terrain. Ships and equipment returned to the TradeStar are refunded to your account.
Build your own bunker - At the start of most missions, you are able to take your time and build your own command bunker from scratch. Easily design twisting tunnels and place doors, traps, and turrets to thwart your enemies' intrusions! Pre-deploy and equip bodies in and around your installation to prepare yourself for your objectives. Don't spend too much though, or you won't have enough funds left when the mission starts!
Four-player cooperative and/or versus multiplayer - Gather your friends and plug in those game controllers! Play skirmish or campaign missions with or against up to three of your buddies. 2 vs 2, 1 vs. 3, 4 vs. the CPU - it's up to you! (rhyme intended). Flexible control settings allow you to use the keyboard, keyboard + mouse, or any generic game controller you can find and plug in.
Built-in editors and modding - Several in-game editors allow you to easily create your own stuff. The game's engine is built to make it very simple to modify and add your own content. Design your own missions, guys, ships, weapons, tools, bombs, and shields - and easily share them with your friends. Join and download some fantastic mods from the community at the Data Realms Fan Forums.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything in the game collapses first to little smaller pieces like legs, hands, heads and so - after that you can estroy everything to single tiny pixel!
You simply can`t get bored to it, or if you are going to ---> Just fill a rocked with tons of bombs and kill everyone
Yea , PLAY THE GOD DAMN GAME! You can almost do anything that you like , like atoming the entire place OR RAEP SUM MOAR TERRAIN!