
Gta Vice City Things
23 replies
Well, I prefer San Andreas glitches and EASTER EGGs.
sorry for my english!

Play San Andreas

in my city its over 600-800$ so i cant have it! Try downloading it? NO i can get a virus or a troyan! i like vice city more cooler!
Silent_Control what kind of helicopter you need? Apache? Police Maveric? Maveric? VCN Maveric? Sea sparrow? Sparrow?
NTD has written
yeah right! im suppose to download gta san andreas! that eventualy SUCKS! the game is so bad it installs long! the cheats are long and the whole game play is LONG!
you can download full 100 % passed game save, and then screw around...
And to get an apache you dont need to find all packages
just find a military base located somewhere and you will get your own apache