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English Grand Theft Auto Voting

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Poll Poll

Which Grand theft Auto Game do you prefer?

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GTA Vice City
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GTA San Andreas
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46 votes cast

old Poll Grand Theft Auto Voting

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I saw an old Voting about GTA where you only could choose between GTA 3 and San Andreas, so i decided to make this Thread.

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting


@TheKilledDeath: He didn't mention "GTA1" and "GTA2" because there not popular. I mean c'mon "birds eye view" you gotta be joking.

Anyway, this is quite a hard choice for me. From what I've heard GTA SA is better than the newest version "Grand Theft Auto: IV" which is disappointing. GTA:SA was alright, some of the main features I enjoyed was, the ability to climb, swin, workout, buy your own clothes, and of course gamble. But the game was a bit too "gangsta". One thing that i was really petrified about, was that the "tank" didn't explode cars when they were hit. A bit unrealistic tanks getting hit by cars, then blowing up into thin air. Non the less it was a classic part of Grand Theft Auto, really disappointing.

As for GTAIII, great game. Loved the Islands everything was perfect. Except that the main character couldn't open his mouth and say a couple of lines.

Ahh GTA Vice City, My favorite GTA Game.
Vice City is a unique city. Its southern location provides for warm
weather all year long while this also positions it close to the
Caribbean. Legal and illegal immigration is a huge factor in the
city's population growth during the 1980's. Ethnic groups such as
Cubans, Haitians, Mexicans, and Dominican immigrants all call this city
home. Vice City consists of 2 primary islands. The east island
contains an enormous beach, a huge shopping mall, clubs, a beach front
district, apartment complexes, hotels and boating docks. The west
island contains most of the immigrant areas with Little Haiti and
Little Havana being the largest areas. Escobar Intl. Airport is
located here as well as the Fort Baxter Military Air Base. Hyman
Memorial Stadium attracts crowds with demolition derbies and other
violent car activities. The west island is also the business side of
the city with shipping docks and industrial areas. Located in the
centre of the 2 islands are several smaller ones. Starfish Island
contains a gated community of wealthy Vice City citizens. Leafs Links
Golf Course is located on these islands as well and provides a premiere
golf experience.

Gangs and racism are big issues in Vice City. Thanks to its southern
location and proximity to the Caribbean, most of the gangs are
immigrants. Groups of Cubans and Haitians have set themselves up in
Vice City and developed their own areas within the city. The primary
income for most gangs is the sale of drugs. Most of these drugs get
imported from the Caribbean and sold at a huge mark up to the Vice City
population. Corrupt businessmen and politicians hold the real power
over the city. Paying off the law or changing laws and legislation is
how they maintain that power.

1 Vote for Vice City √

PS~ You forgot to mention Liberty and Vice City stories

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting

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why everyone vote for vice city? i'd better prefer San andreas because the multiplayer is fantastic. it's better than vice city multiplayer...

the San andreas RPG is very, very realistic. you need to buy passport to go to other city, you can buy house, you will start new life instead of respawn @ hospital if killed, get jobs (legal or illegal), and lots, lots of benefits you can have from SAMP

Download SAMP (san andreas multiplayer) HERE

My Favourite Server:
Crazybob's Cops'n Robbers
Bulletproof RPG
Everystuff's Tew Stunting

note: IP adress for servers will be uploaded soon

EDIT: find the IP adress yourself and add the to favourites
edited 1×, last 30.11.08 09:59:59 am

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting

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D1aMoNd_ has written
@TheKilledDeath: He didn't mention "GTA1" and "GTA2" because there not popular. I mean c'mon "birds eye view" you gotta be joking.

GTA1 and GTA2 are still very popular, and its really fun to play this old games. And by the way, was this ironic or why the hell do you play a game called CS2D?

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting


Reaper has written
D1aMoNd_ has written
@TheKilledDeath: He didn't mention "GTA1" and "GTA2" because there not popular. I mean c'mon "birds eye view" you gotta be joking.

GTA1 and GTA2 are still very popular, and its really fun to play this old games. And by the way, was this ironic or why the hell do you play a game called CS2D?

GTA1 and GTA2 are NOT popular. I don't know anyone who still plays the game.

I never said CS:2D was a good game, infact it's one of the worst games I've ever played.
But seeing it was my first online game, at the time.
I continued to play it, and developed a lot of skill over the past four years. So i became quite an expert.
So i decided, I'd keep playing for the sake of it.

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting

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GTA1 and GTA2 are NOT popular. I don't know anyone who still plays the game.

I played GTA 2 some times ago. In addition, this game got more popular in the last time, because the developers made these games freeware. So many, and with many I really mean many, and not 2 guys or so =), play this game at the moment.

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting

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San Andreas had Samuel Jackson as the bad cop, Peter Fonda as the crazy stoner who doesnt have a real name, and Charlie Murphy as that pimp! Really now, no contest methinks...

old Old School

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I'am old school so Ill vote for GTA1 ...
You guys don't get it do you ?!? Gta 1 was and is the S*it, why? ... becouse back in the day the game was UNIQUE there were no games to compete witht it + it was FUN and Challanging.
As for the Guy ho said that "Gta 1 and Gta 2" are not popular ... Anyway the fact that noboy talks about ATRAI or the NES D0es not make this consols unpoppular does it ?!? (same goes for all old Games)
Its a shame that some you guys have no respect for the Classics ...

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting

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The Storyline of San Andres is shit,
Grand Theft Auto Mutates to an brutalic Viloence game, im playing GTA 2, II and Vice city, because you can edit it very good.
San Andres too, but its utter crap.
Play San Andreas with Knight Rider Mod, and GTA:Rumble.

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting


Dudes speaking about mods you can install almoust any modein vice city in san andreas you install only car mods or skin mods not mods mods!

Play vice city i have so many skins i think its over 50 of em! They rock + San andreas isnt so good as vice city
My frend even gave me a disk with a a super mod allowing me to fly planes! Over the max high of the game!√

Gta1=not bad
Gta London= well almoust the same
Gta 2 =Good!
Gta 3 = even better!
Gta 3 Liberty City = like san andreas bot not too bad!
Gta Vice City =The best!
Gta San Andreas = bad too many stuff too many lags too many places and too many missions!
Gta 4 =i cant tell by now but i think its bad P.S. look at the Liberty Statue at night while flying on a helicopter look at its face It looks like a goblin from spider man!

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting

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Well, never modded any games, and GTA Vice City is the classic classic just rocks totally. GTA 4 is good too, but gets boring eventually, would love to see a extended VC on the GTA 4 engine

old Re: Grand Theft Auto Voting


San Andreas! Old Is Gold! Best ever!
For PS2 and PC!

I have GTA Vice City, GTA 3 and GTA LC Stories for PS2.
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