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old Zombie Infection 2-FULL VERSION

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Hey,I know I'm a bit late with a part 2 but it's done(unfortunately it's shorter than a part 1).
Let's start.
Remember the last time when you have escaped to the Green City,later it has been invaded by zombies.
You'll have to get to the boat to escape.
Then you'll have to get to the hospital to find supplies
If I continue with talking I'll tell everything and it won't be fun...
Let's see the chapters:

... means story continues from part 1

Chapter Name Objective

25 Escape Escape the g. city and get to the boat
26 Docks Get to the town,escape from docks
27 Streets Get to the hospital for supplies
28 Hospital Find food and supplies
29 Hospital is crashing Escape the hospital
30 Backalleys Find safe house
31 Park Get water from fountain
32 Trainstation Get to the train before it leaves
33 Rail of the dead Get to the trainyard
34 Safe House <Unknown>
35 Trap <Unknown>
36 Labyrinth Escape from the labyrinth
37 Fresh Brains Find survivors
38 Lost Survivors Find lost survivors
39 Night of the zombies Find a good safe house
40 Escape The City Escape the city

Jela331(Me)-For maps,idea
Fapicon-Sprite creator(35% sprites are from him)
Jok3-De_train Tileset(used for cptr. 32,animation1,33)
And you-For Downloading

Part 1 is here:

file cs2d Zombie Infection-FULL VERSION

Have Fun!
edited 2×, last 02.08.11 09:02:01 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain

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@The Killer23

Hahahaha! Haha! Hah! Ha.

Don't make me laugh.


The Killer23;

First. I laugh at your stolen avatar. It's funny how you say my maps have long objectives. Objectives aren't long. Maps are.

Second. How are my maps idiotic and bad? Anything else than that? Do they have bad shadowmaps? Do they have bad gameplay? Do they have unrealistic maps? What is it you find idiotic and bad? Sorry, but I don't like haters. Tho you could call me a hater, I'm not one. I've ALWAYS told people WHY I didn't like something.

Third: Those "long objectives" are bullshit of course. Now let's say you actually wrote "long maps" or "long time to play the maps", I'd answer like this:
It's funny how people don't like how short CoD and many other FPS singleplayer missions are. Now how, I ask you, can it be bad to make a LONG mission. It only increases gameplay. Does it?


Rating completely based on what I've seen on servers:

- Bad objectives
- Too short and too long timers for many entities
- Ugly choice of tiles and sprites
- Badly designed maps
- Totally unrealistic events


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Nice !! I Like it
Great work !!
I like it!


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awesome!!!great work man
I like it!


Le fantome
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Awesome jela you are the best

@Cuchulainn: your zombie Quest its idiotic and bad

and Jela Objectives are short its better player can read it fast

don't need too long objectives
I like it!

old wow

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ausome ... complete ausomeness no doute its the best map collection in unrealsoftware i give a 9999999999 rating..

too bad.. 5/5
I like it!


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I like the zombie , the tiles and the levels map.
4+4+3 + fun = 4
I like it!


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Fale mod thats croped into many maps !
You dont know how to collect them in couple ?
pwn yourself...
unfortunately DC haven't add rate in values lower that 1


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i really enjoyed it and its cool! o yeah!
I like it!


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Same as mine,find shelter(cptr. 39).
And I played it,I have those maps on my CS2D
Running from explosions is in cptr 2
If you uploaded ZQ from ur profile I would rate 1-2
But I don't wanna give ninja_assasin bad rate
Soo fuck off
edited 1×, last 07.08.11 05:24:03 pm


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My "Zombie Quest" maps used a shadowmap, very much trigger systems, they had a story in it and there was action in it. Remember the part where you have to run from explosions? I bet you don't, cause you didn't play it. Don't judge my maps on the screenshots.

Your maps are all static as hell and have no clear storyline. The objectives are as follows:
- Stay alive for X seconds
- Kill all zombies
- Run to the exit
While the objectives in "Zombie Quest" are:
- Find shelter and better weapons so you can survive the huge wave of zombies
- Run to the exit while being followed by a big trail of exploding things and while killing zombies before they kill you
- Search the hospital for weapons so you can survive the big waves of zombies
- Get off the rooftop before you die of a massive zombie force
- Search houses to get either a wave of zombies or better weapons

Oh, and I see you use sooo many great sprites. Such as the stolen train sprite and the stolen railroad sprite which both are resized so they look very low-res.


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@Cyrille Yukimaru
Like what?
I added the fire,barricade,crushed cars,zombie sounds etc.
Press magnifier button up in the corner.
Then say that.


Excuse me but I used alot of sfx,sprites,tiles(well just 3).
Better than part 1
Remember your project ''Zombie Quest'',it has same thing:Randomly Placed zombies.
Did you even tested the chapter 4??
Alot of zombies on rooftop...

@Sanae Kochiya

Weird messages are talking of survivor/s.
And tell me why the map is bad?


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@Fast: Farmville? You are addressing this map as graphically low as Farmville?
If you're right, then my 1/5 is going to have an unbreakable reason.

Seriously, this map is what? Bad.
If you worked on it a more, people like 2Fast4You would be proud. You didn't. I hope you learned something new and your next zombie map will actually feel like one. There's a lot other maps which are totally the same... You kill haploads of randomly placed zombies and weird messages tell you something... Why not be creative?


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It's funny cause new people rate 5/5. I've never rated on your first file, so it has 5/5 rating.

Maybe it would be great to USE another TILESET, PLACE NPC's more INTERESTING and ADD SOUNDS/SPRITES which aren't as graphically low as FARMVILLE.

old @2Fast4You

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And really, you should add something that makes the player feel like being in a middle of a zombie apocalypse.


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This map is graphically shit and it's 100% randomly placed NPC "fights".


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@2Fast4You 1st of all i dont give a damn what zou think2nd i dont give a damn what u rate
I like it!


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Why the hell would I do that. Cause you say it? Dude, this is the graphically worst zombie map series I've ever seen. Be happy I don't rate 1/5.


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@2Fast4You stop flameing here if u dont like it then piss of and get of the computer u jackass
I like it!

old :) COOL

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This parts are so cool
I will use it on my server ok?
I like it!
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