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32 comments13.22 mb, 6,710 Downloads

old Kidnap mod

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Slightly updated version with a few bug fixes.
Added map to show the end of the story. Enjoy

1. Unzip the file in the "Stranded II\mods\" folder
2. Run it using Mod starter

In case you don't have Mod starter (I can't find it anywhere)
1. Download Stranded II Gold Version
2. Install it and go to: "Stranded II\mods\Stranded II"
3. In the Kidnap mod zipped version open the folder "Kidnap mod"
4. Extract all contains to "Stranded II\mods\Stranded II" (so folders gfx,...,sfx,...,sys,... etc. )
5. Run it using Stranded II\StrandedII.exe
edited 1×, last 30.07.11 09:06:34 pm
Approved by Sparty

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13.22 mb, 6,710 Downloads


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old Is it all show and no go?

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Maybe some one could tell me why the second goal in this Mod seems to be the hardest? <get to the mountain and find the water source>. This seems an impossible task. I somehow managed to destroy the rock blocking the way only to end up in a small pool of water that lead nowhere.

After much trying to complete this goal I've finally given up. And since there's no more log entries indicating what to do next, your left without a guide.

Well, finding the village where you meet the chieftain (where did I see that name before?) and his Warrior who starts barking orders wasn't a problem. And I had no problem gathering planks and stuff once I figured out the combo to the saw (Had to cheat and look in the file folders)'s what brought my game to a halt. I failed to put out the little fire that was burning in the plum garden. (I was a bit late getting there I think) It was like the next day before I got to it. Big show stopper! Now the guy won't even talk to ya. Boy talk about the cold shoulder.

A little play testing could have went a long way here.

On the positive side it is a nice looking mod as the textures on most models in game seem to blend well with the original game.

One last thing I played this mod for about 60 game days and have covered every inch of the main island. Even broke into the vault to see what would happen..nothing.

You know I really like the look to this mod, the extra items are great and the story line was fun to a point.

This mod really needs a good walkthrough. I'd be willing to write it myself if I could ever get through it!
I like it!

old Camera script

User Off Offline

Man I see you're using a camera script in your story map.
I tried to use this script:
on:trigger {
movecam 0,2500,2;
movecam 2500,5000,3;
movecam 5000,7500,4;
seqend 7500;
but it's not working.
When i'm on trigger its just go to the camera with the id2, and them nothing happend.
Can you tell me what's wrong?

And your mod is awesome man (5/5)
I like it!
edited 1×, last 08.10.11 09:53:39 pm


User Off Offline

hi HudaJan. i finished with the first map, but where is the ending.s2 map ?
where i can download that? just give me a link


Super User Off Offline

Thank you, it means a lot
There is nothing new, but I've changed a few variables to make the game more balanced + removed some bugs. Now it should be possible to actually finish the adventure (in previous version you had to run extra map if you wanted to see the ending)


lucas is stranded
User Off Offline

Is this any diferent from the kidnap mod you made before you left?

By the way, nice to see the creator of my favorite mod coming back.
I like it!

old Bug found!

User Off Offline

I found a bug. Run kidnap mod, go to the options, then exit the options. The buttons, title, and text should be shifted one-fourth of the way off of the screen.


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I tried unzipping the items. It said nothing could be extracted.


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Hai Hudajan, glad u came back.
I know my question may have nothing to do in this thread but... are you still working with Czechstension mod? Im soo excited about it!
Anyways, nice you updated kidnap mod
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

Two reasons:
1. This mod should be in the official file archive
2. I made some slight updates, balanced the game a little bit

Thanks for the approval


User Off Offline

Aww Hudajan, u made this mod a long time ago, why u upload it after 3(??) years?
But its the best Stranded II mod i know.
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

Ok, added instructions


User Off Offline

what is this?
needs more instruction
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