Yates - Backhanded Knife [Update]Yates Reviewer Offline 01.11.10 04:49:57 pm I updated the knife but i couldn't see the new pic wich i uploaded so i deleted the file and made new one, Hope you don't mind Made by me Copyed Edit without asking Enjoy! Again... Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 02:42 am) Download 534 b, 1,128 Downloads
MeyeM BANNED Offline 27.09.11 04:03:15 pm Great work again but i think its a big little 5/5 keep it up I like it!
Hador User Offline 15.09.11 09:42:26 pm Looks rather good, but I would make the handle a little longer, and the blade is a little too thick for my taste. I like it!
schattex User Offline 15.09.11 09:39:24 pm Haha... a revenge rating kiddy... sweet... you can't draw better so you should shut up... you just rated yates skins bad ... huh? why just yates ones? hmm... Revenge rating ftw? I like it!
Le fantome User Offline 11.07.11 07:27:04 am wow nice knife Yates i will use it specially its the blood on knife and isn't big I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 28.03.11 02:23:12 pm =O My first 100 downloads (Yes, pointless.. But I wanted to post.. Sorry if I wasted your time looking xP)
xxX_YaNdEx_Xxx User Offline 30.01.11 09:48:14 am Nice but very big, guy! can you make it small? and i have idea to new knife! FIST I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 30.01.11 12:03:25 am Lol, he did it again with my other file GrenadeLauncher.. Reported again, I think TDK is sick of all the revenge ratings i get now.. So am I, it sucks, make pic, send msg, wait for reply..
0a User Offline 29.01.11 05:58:41 pm ModCreator The Kid, Stop this fucking revenge-shit. Everyone knows this is awesome. I like it!
schattex User Offline 29.01.11 03:48:17 pm but i dont think u would give him 5stars because its awesome after yates said that he will report u, u searched his skins and give the most of his works 5 stars.. thats why i think u do now fear rating I like it!
Big Bang Mafia User Offline 29.01.11 03:14:03 pm i no say its awesome becouse he want report me i say "AWESOME" becouse it is "AWESOME" i was banned more than 6 hours I like it!
Yates Reviewer Offline 29.01.11 02:20:18 pm Lol, i did report him, but TKD was not online at the time.
schattex User Offline 29.01.11 10:59:51 am its nice but big bang first u made revenge rating and now fear rating because yates said he will report u lol ok btt good work yates I like it!
Its good, yeah.DevGru User Offline 29.01.11 04:22:38 am Backhanded knife is better than front handed but its too FAT! You can make it thinner if you want but its already ok