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24 comments3.17 mb, 563 Downloads

old de_panama

Random guy
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Bomb/Defuse map
Bringing the second map here, this time (I think) I used more sprites for better graphics, however i feel like that the outside decoration looks much better than how the actual playable area looks LOL. The layout might look similar to some people. (Don't kill my booty for that)

Anyway, as usual my focus was the graphics. This time i didn't bring many fancy sound effects, in fact i only put 1 sound on the map.

The outside decoration is there so players won't see any black areas on the map while playing. Took me about 6-7 hours, so yeah...totally worth it (But seriously, it almost looks cooler than the playable area)

Also to keep "my way of mapping" I put easter eggs here and there in the map, but you can mostly find them in the editor.

So as always, thanks to these people for their amazing images/sprites:
user StirlizZ-Fapicon
user Alistaire
user useigor (some cars and white container)
user Pagyra
user BaDgEr
user CY (tank)
user Jela331 (trashbin sprite?)
user BlackBelt (Dome building?)
user KimKat
If i missed anyone, just put a comment down below and i'll add you.

-user Lobwver - Help with tile blending

Some info that no one cares about:
Time taken: 14-15 hours
Overall: A week
Map size: Forgot lol
Awesome? Hell yeah it is. (jk, you decide)

I tried to screenshot the overall map at different phases. I failed but i'll show you my progress:
More >

1st - CT Spawn
2nd - T spawn
3rd - B Bombsite
4th - A Bombsite
5th - Random outside place

This time i'll show mapexport, but I still don't think it looks good:

[UPDATE 22.11.14]
I updated the map, not a major update just fixed a few things that user KimKat and user DevGru mentioned. If anyone uses this map on a server (which i highly doubt) download this update. Thanks

New screenshots:

That's all
edited 6×, last 22.11.14 10:17:32 am
Approved by Infinite Rain

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3.17 mb, 563 Downloads


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Random guy
User Off Offline

True, I added you. Thanks!


User Off Offline

Hey! i help you with the blend!
(Well, i try)

BTW, this is really nice man.
Nice one.
I like it!


Random guy
User Off Offline

lmfao, No idea how i missed that. Fixing it ASAP!

edit: It's fixed now.


Angel Montez
BANNED Off Offline

0/5 map IMG:
wall map !
I like it!
edited 2×, last 10.10.14 12:05:36 am
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