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old [Yank] Bass Powertool (Admin Script)

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Hello there. I'm _Yank, a young student from Portugal who loves to code. Here, I share with you guys, the administration script I use on my servers, bass.


> Yet another admin script ?
Yes and no. This one is quite different.. the way it works, the things it features and the simpleness it packs. It is command based and can be used in combination with almost any other script! It is also light as a feather so there's little to no performance impact (if you disable all the extras it only uses 2 lua hooks!, 2!). If you're looking for a fast, powerful, extensible and easy to use admin script, this may be the right script for you!

> Features
It features a very simple yet powerful command processing system, which allows you to easily remove, edit or add your own commands. By default, it comes with around 30 commands, within them, a private messaging system, a broadcasting system, an !undo system, different types of player punishing and much more. There's also a FX (addon) system which allows you to easily add commands from other scripts without changing your setup.

> Ranks
By default there is 6 ranks, Idiot -1, User 0, VIP 1, Support 2, Moderator 3 and Owner 4. And like the command system, you can easily edit, remove and add your own ranks.

How to install ?
To install the script, just drag everything inside the zip to your CS2D root directory. No need to add things to server.lua neither servertransfer.lst. To set yourself as admin, simply start the server by using the New Server option (with CS2D client) or rename the file named YOURUSGN.txt on the /sys/lua/users/ directory to your USGN. Type !cmds or !help on the chat to get the available commands list and the information about them.

> Extras
There's some optional super cool extra features and configurations that you can set in order to have a more complete experience. At the /sys/bass/ directory you'll find a file named cables.lua, there's where you set the extras. It's RECOMMENDED to get this file checked before you start using the script!

> Notable Features

Undo Mechanics
2.6.3 introduces a new command (!undo) that lets the users revert most of their actions. While only certain moderating commands can be reversed, there's a limited set of user commands that apply to this system as well.

Oclaim System
The oclaim system is bass' equivalent of CS2D's rcon system. Once a key is set, players can use it to get owner privileges and be able to manage the server without an USGN login. To set it up, open the init.lua file located at the /sys/bass/ directory with a text editor and find the line which corresponds to "key = (someautogeneratedrandomcharacters)" and edit its value. Be sure to make the key secure and that no one knows it but you!

This command allows you to get a player USGN name with their USGN ID. Currently, it only works on linux servers and it requires this site to be online/responding.

I call it Brutal Admin Script Sex due to the fact that it mixes different factors, ideas and mechanics from other amazing and useful admin scripts (just like they all had a son from a super energetic sexual relationship). Sorry for that, I'm not very creative so...

Details \ Other Notes >
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edited 67×, last 12.08.17 09:36:56 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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@user deadlox995: You need to use the !promote command, !promote <id or USGN ID> -1 ( sorry for that, kinda stupid )


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@user _Yank: how do i add player in black list?
I like it!


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Nice admin script
I like it!


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@user Golgoace005: You need to setup the script. Just find the YOURUSGN.txt file inside the sys/lua/users folder and rename it to your usgn (In this case, 126103).

@user Konquer124: You can use the console to read the rest of the commands. Just press \ or type /console on the chat.
edited 1×, last 22.08.14 09:16:36 pm

old ertgegregfev

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Help lua dontsent work help me

I See only ( Hello Welcome [A2] Camper ) Only This , Theres no lvl , admin , etc . help me !


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Can you add readme with commands? Chat hide alot of commands...
I like it!


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All what we need when serveractions are full


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a @user _Yank: can you add like:
Supporter: can kick,ban,.. Member,Normal player
MOd: can kick,ban,... Supporter,Member,Normal player
Admin: can kick,ban,.. (All)

reason: becasue Mod,Supporter they can spam to kick,ban,.. Admin (that bad)
I like it!


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like a SH. not like Admin Script


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SaskSlayer can you add cmds !report?
and i'm need to aks you some thing!
why you use cmds !tp to parse spawnplayer why dontyou use setpos cmds?
I like it!


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What ? Did you read the description ?
It is an admin script, not a super hero script O.o
Also there's not "a lot" of super hero scripts. Actually there is 2 super hero scripts and they own the same creator.

Yea its simple, but look at its code... Bah, forget, its simple too, but its system is different than most of cs2d admin scripts, also it features a simple command adding system.

Oh, stop trying.


The Light
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Its the same like other super hero scripts its so basic and simple no like i would unlike if i can


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Yeah, it is nice lua script
Rating emm...
8/10 < No lie.
But in commands "private MESSGAE" that is wrong
Nice work.
I like it!


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I Not Like Lvl,Can DELETE Level


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Yes it is.
I private release there.


BANNED Off Offline

Really nice script. Fits your superhero server very well.
Btw i think this is not the script he use on his server, not sure though.
I like it!


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@user Ajmin: It has a tag command, not !cc anymore

old Nice Work

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Beautiful SCRIPT 10/10 Congratulations
I like it!


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good,but for premium,supporter and boss there should be !tag cmd for turning on tag, not !cc [msg].
any way i like it.
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

This like other and other admin script, there is nothing new.
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