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English Custom NPCs v1.0 >

28 comments11 kb, 905 Downloads

old Custom NPCs v1.0

Infinite Rain
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Hello everyone, this is my new script that I was working on for about a week or so. This script basically adds custom-made NPCs.

I've made this script for users who wanted to use custom-made NPCs in CS2D. DC rejected to implement custom NPCs in CS2D, and that's why I've made this script. The behavior of NPCs made using this script is almost same as CS2D's NPCs, but of course it needs some improvements.

Changelog >

More Information >

Archive also contains a test map ( made specially for you so that you can test my script there.

Big thanks to EngiN33R for solving the problems with angles and my grammar.

If you want to reupload my file anywhere, then just leave credits to me.

The script is just released and may contain some glitches. If you found one, then report it in the comments below.
Also, if you have any ideas/suggestions, then let me know about it, too.
edited 2×, last 30.08.13 07:43:26 pm
Approved by EngiN33R

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11 kb, 905 Downloads


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@user MikuAuahDark:
I'm thinking about implementing ai functions, so that you can create basically anything you want out of it. (I've made it only because I needed actual friendly NPCs, lol)


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Can i create a friendly NPC with this? I need it for my Reverser mod. Anyways, nice.
I like it!


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This is going to be useful for single-player NPC maps, like Useigor's Half-Life 2D mod.
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

DC can leave this site forever (about future cs2d upds). From now. Last most suggested thing has been released.
I like it!


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> God's script !!! <
I like it!


Me Gusta
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I like it!


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VERY GUD! Nice ,

no no sarcasm .

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I like it!
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