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43 comments1.50 mb, 1,132 Downloads

old Screamers

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Hello, I bring you this mod based on screamers of games like Slender, Slendy Tubbies, Survivors.

• Mission
This mod is about finding notes/object around the map, and you must avoid being killed by the screamer. If you get all the notes/objects you win the game and the round restarts.

• Screamers
The file contains 5 screamers, 4 from different games.

1.- SCP-173 (From SCP-173: Containment Breach)
2.- Slender (From Slender: The Eight Pages)
3.- Tinki Winki (From SlendyTubbies)
4.- Wolfman (From Survivors)
5.- Annoying Orange (This doesn't belong to any game but from youtube videos)

• Installation
1.- Extract on your CS2D folder
2.- Set command mp_luaserver "screamers/server.lua"

• Maps
I didn't have maps as I'm not skilled in creating maps, but you can use file cs2d Slender 2D maps to test the new slender. If you want to make a map for this mod, there are the instructions below.

• Creating maps
To setup the pages of your map you need to create any entity with "page" or the first 7 characters "object_" in the name. The script will automatically generate a note image, however if you place an Env_Sprite or Env_Image you can set your own image for this object instead of the default image.

• Scripting Screamers
Spoiler >

• Credits
user Reaxter for most skins and sounds
user Snark for the slender skin

• Videos
1.- SlendyTubbie

P.S: I'll post videos and screenshots soon!

Comment & subscribe to my Facebook page
edited 3×, last 20.02.13 04:17:50 pm
Approved by Sparty

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1.50 mb, 1,132 Downloads


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I just put screenshots of the Slender, later I'll put screenshots of the other screamers.


Deleted User

No pix no clix.
I like it!

old I will download it.

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When I have a speedy internet, it's been awhile since I tried a mod here. O.o
I like it!
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