
> > CS2D > Maps > [doubleteam][map] ctf_rivercross
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English [doubleteam][map] ctf_rivercross >

21 comments255 kb, 445 Downloads

old [doubleteam][map] ctf_rivercross

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map by Doublejack's team

You can find 2 maps, 16 sprites and 1 tileset in this archive (2 maps are ctf_ and dm_rivercross)

I'm also working on pl_rivercross map, where T have to push the cart and CT have to stop them, like in Team Fortress 2. The script is 70% done, so i'll upload it soon. Hope you would like it

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Other [doubleteam] maps:
file cs2d [doubleteam][map] dm_waterways
file File does not exist (12187)
edited 4×, last 30.08.12 06:16:19 pm
Approved by GeoB99

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255 kb, 445 Downloads


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old Hm.

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I find it cute.
I like it!
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